This a selection of the testimonials that John has recieved from past clients |
"John is the person I go to when someone in my network needs help with his or her career. John is caring, helpful, positive and friendly. Quite simply, John is a great resource."
- Charlotte Davis - Management Consultant
"John is a man who understands the world and understands what drives people. By rigorously focusing people on their passions he allows them to define themselves and follow their own route. You can discover who you are simply by talking to John. A very helpful, very generous kind man with purposeful and passionate direction."
- Thomas Power - Chairman of Ecademy |
"John can help you see things another way" - Matt Bailey
"John is very positive in his approach, he has a sense of purpose and urgency and is committed to make a difference in the lives of people."
- Gina Green - Website Developer
"The smile on John's profile sums up the man - a warm-hearted, considerate and thought-provoking person. Getting to know him can help you to maximise your opportunities."
- Nicola Keith - Communications Consultant